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The Issue & Proposal




My proposal will contain leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and a sports hall, that aims to attract both the young and old alike. The intention here is to create a space that will encourage the interaction between generations whether brief or lengthy, whilst addressing the lack of leisure facilities in the area.
The Arts
Similarly, I intend to add a small scale theatre to the proposal. The town is currently short of spaces for expression and culture, the idea here is to showcase local talent, allowing the community to both perform and support. Additionally, a cinema was a common was a common desire across all age group, designing a theatre that is interchangeable  can help fulfil this.


Defining Space

I intend to make great use of the frontage opportunities to attract visitors to the town from beyond. Frontages will be referential to the character and history of Stretford, making it a recognisable landmark and symbol among the many commuters that pass the town as well as a symbol for the people within 
The town is currently lacking entertainment and dining facilities provided by neighbouring towns such as Chorlton. Unlike Chorlton however the Bridgewater Canal runs directily through the site providing the opportunity to create scenic dining and open spaces. Commuters can also recognise the space on the metrolink that runs parallel to the canal at Stretford.
Essoldo as Site

Context - History - Challenges 

Despite being disused, many residents recognize the Essoldo as a Landmark of the town.

It's Proximity to the Stretford Metrolink station, the Bridgewater Canal, the Stretford Public Hall and the Stretford Mall, make it an ideal site for serving the town's central attraction, illustrating its character. 

Site Opportunity

Click Essoldo Images for further Analysis

Opportunity for Space

Frontage Facing


Public Space

Situated on the A56 the front of the Essoldo plays an important role in defining the character of Stretford. Here there is the opportunity to attract the high volume of drivers that pass the site. It would therefore serve best as public space that allows the function of the building to be seen at a quick glance. The existing art deco facade already acts well as a defining landmark, the task is carefully re-working the front facade that is landmark properties is conserved whilst considering the listed public hall opposite  


Cul De Sac - Residential

Private/Quiet Space

This side of the site requires the most careful planning as it leads directly onto residential dwellings. Because of this it would be most suitable for spaces such as changing rooms for the leisure centre or rehearsal/studio rooms, as they don't require public attention from outside.


Main Road Heritage Site

Commercial/ Retail Opportunity

This side of the site provides the best opportunity for retail such as small cafes and convenience stores due to its proximity to the Metrolink station. It could also serve well as semi-public/private space to attract commuters driving from more local areas.



Evening Life

The Canal side of the site provides great opportunity for quirky bars and restaurants. Situated along the canal provides great aesthetics and chance for public/meeting spaces. There is also a direct view of this part of the site from the Metrolink, thus providing opportunity to attract commuters.


Station Approach/Exit

275m - 2 min 15 secs
65m - 33 secs
175m  - 1 min 15 secs
35m - 18 secs

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