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The Big Draw

On Thursday 17th November 2017, I took part in the Big Draw, a design exercise put together by the course leaders of MSAPraxis. The task required borrowing aspects of different buildings and applying them to our proposals to generate quick and rough iterations in order to get us thinking about space in relation to our projects.

The iterations I produced focus on both the spaces and the concepts that will shape my building.

Iteration 1

This iteration focus mainly on the arrangement of spaces in the new building. I tried to follow the guideline arrangement found on 'the issues and proposals' page. I also looked at connecting the metrolink site to the essoldo through a series or circular platforms that form a bridge.

Iteration 2

Here I look at the arts element of my proposal. As the Essoldo once functioned as a cinema, the main auditorium could be re-modelled to provide space for a variety of performance types. The precedent I looked at does this exactly and furthermore also redevelops an existing art-deco cinema.

Iteration 3

In this Iteration I have another look at the opportunity of creating a bridge to directly link the Metrolink to my site. Differently in this iteration I explore the the idea of extending the public realm further than a just a few metres from the canal edge, creating a greater threshold and journey into the site whilst providing open space that can also be enjoyed by the public.

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